Sunday, October 5, 2008

Few Tips For A Positive Attitude In Life

Living in the world requires you to have a thick mental skin :). Not only do you have to handle your personal problems, but you also must deal with many professional problems. While no one is entirely immune to the effects of negative events, there are several things you can do to build up your mental immune system and help ensure that you succeed in life.
1) Stay healthy - Eat, sleep, and exercise. You know how much sleep you need, and for the most part you probably have a good idea about how to eat right and exercise properly. If you have a problem in any of these areas, you won't be able to focus well on anything.
2) Find ways to keep yourself mentally pumped up - Get some motivational books, tapes, and CDs. Look for stories, movies, and music that inspire you. Make a list of all the tremendous events in your life, everything you're thankful for, and all the times you want to remember, and then focus on those as much as you can. Use affirmations such as "I can do it," "I am the best," and "I feel healthy, I feel happy, I feel terrific." Say them with as much enthusiasm and energy as you can when you first get up in the morning and during the day.
3) Assign the proper meaning to events - Probably the best way to make yourself immune to the negatives of life and develop an extremely strong psyche is to adopt beliefs that empower you. See problems as challenges to overcome. What can you learn from each situation? How can you best handle each situation? How might you look at the situation differently? If there is a real problem, face it head on and tackle it immediately.
4) Keep your perspective - Very few things are matters of life and death. One large sale made or lost will not make or break you. If you lose a big opportunity, there are more opportunities to be made. If you make a big success, enjoy it but don't rest on your laurels. And don't take things personally. A rejection of your offer or suggestion is not a rejection of you.
5) Be positive yet stay grounded in the real world - Be cheerful and optimistic, expect the best, but have a plan for when the worst happens-because occasionally it will.
6) Watch your mental diet and stay away from negatives - Your mental diet is just as important as your physical diet. You have to watch what goes into your brain. Your attitude and your state of mind are extremely important to your long-term success. Put lots of good things into your mind and surround yourself with the right people. Stay away from negatives.

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